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Laurameroni's Quartzites are the result of millennia-old geological processes that give them an extraordinary complexity of veins and color patterns, evolved into unique and captivating designs.
Thanks to their natural beauty and the craftsmanship with which they are worked, Laurameroni's Quartzites become true works of art, capable of transforming the spaces they inhabit into unique and distinctive environments.
通过精湛的工艺,Laurameroni 的石英岩成为独特设计项目的组成部分,将使用它们的环境转变为永恒且充满个性的空间。
Laurameroni 珍贵大理石的手工加工。
Laurameroni 提供一系列精选的高品质大理石、石材、石英岩和洞穴石,精心挑选其美丽和珍贵的工艺。每件作品都反映了意大利工匠的卓越技艺,他们将传统和创新技术结合在一起,打造出独特而豪华的作品。
Laurameroni 的材料以其对细节的精心关注和对卓越品质的承诺,成为高水平设计和建筑项目的理想选择。
Natural stones are easily damaged by acids, fats and oils. These liquids tend to penetrate natural stone and leave dark, light or opaque stains that can no longer be removed.
Do not use acid cleaners, solvents or alkalis. Do not use abrasive agents, steel wool, pot cleaners, glass cleaners, aggressive solvents, dyes, bleach or the like. Anything hot or humid can cause surface damage.
For the cleaning and care, protect the product from abrasion, moisture and other external influences to prevent long-term destruction of the surface. Dust the natural stone regularly with a soft, lint-free cloth. Remove dirt and liquids immediately using only neutral detergents.