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Outfit Walk-in Closet

Cesare Arosio
laurameroni made to measure and customizable bedroom walkin closet

Made to measure walk-in closet with sides in matt "gold" lacquered finish or Raptor liquid metal, customizable shelves, drawers and equipment. Available with integrated LED lighting.


Tailor-made layout and design to choose among various modules, and equipment available in plain, dyed or lacquered wood in all RAL colours.

laurameroni made to measure and customizable bedroom walkin closet
Outfit system composed of 6 modules with structure in Termocotto oak, sides and decorative panels in matt lacquered "gold". Integrated chest of drawers in matt lacquered wood.

Outfit system composed of 6 modules with structure in Termocotto oak, sides and decorative panels in matt lacquered "gold". Integrated chest of drawers in matt lacquered wood.

Crafted as a sophisticated display system to showcase trendy garments and elegant clothing with finesse, Outfit embodies the essence of a private boutique, where individual style and aesthetic concepts are fully expressed.

Some of the accessories available for the Laurameroni wardrobes customization.

Some of the accessories available for the Laurameroni wardrobes customization.

Completely Tailor-Made

Completely Tailor-Made

The distinctive elegance of Laurameroni's bespoke wardrobe systems seamlessly blends with the practicality of stylish drawers, shelves, and accessories, resulting in a luxurious and contemporary bedroom environment. 


This fusion of sophisticated design and impeccable functionality positions our closet systems as the ultimate choice for those desiring flawless organization and refined style in their personal space.


Each detail of our systems is meticulously curated to ensure a perfect harmony between aesthetics and practicality, offering tailor-made solutions to meet the unique needs of every customer.

Outfit module with structure in Termocotto oak, sides and decorative panels in matt lacquered "gold", and integrated chest of drawers in matt lacquered wood.

Outfit module with structure in Termocotto oak, sides and decorative panels in matt lacquered "gold", and integrated chest of drawers in matt lacquered wood.

Outfit module with structure in Termocotto oak, sides and decorative panels in matt lacquered "gold".

Outfit module with structure in Termocotto oak, sides and decorative panels in matt lacquered "gold".

laurameroni made to measure and customizable bedroom walkin closet
Outfit module with Termocotto oak structure, decorative panel in matt lacquered "gold" and integrated mirror.

Outfit module with Termocotto oak structure, decorative panel in matt lacquered "gold" and integrated mirror.

laurameroni made to measure and customizable bedroom walkin closet
laurameroni made to measure and customizable bedroom walkin closet

Материалы и

Особенности и

Our team can help you design tailor-made solutions.

Our team can help you design tailor-made solutions.

Designing with Laurameroni

Designing with Laurameroni

Laurameroni offers a design and construction service of complete, tailor-made and customized environments, both contract and residential, to inform, support and guide architects and interior designers in the conception of the most varied furnishing projects. 


Our technical department is made up of experienced and qualified professionals, able to develop the executive design of the furnishings together with architects and designers, carefully defining every single element down to the smallest detail.

Cesare Arosio
Cesare Arosio

Cesare Arosio

Чезаре Арозио (Cesare Arosio) родился в 1985 году. В 2010 году он закончил Академию Архитектуры в Мендризио, возглавляемую Марио Ботта (Mario Botta), с профессором Микеле Арнабольди (Michele Arnaboldi).


В течение своей академической карьеры он учился и работал с известными архитекторами, такими как Фаррел Мак-Намара, Джозеф Асебильо, Эстебан Бонелл, Игнацио Рубино (Farrel Mc Namara, Joseph Acebillo, Esteban Bonell, Ignazio Rubino).